Click on the thumbnails to see a larger version of the picture.
Pop en camping (154Kb) |
Diner familial à la viellle ferme(119Kb) |
Pop et le chien, scène typique (98Kb) |
Pop qui coupte le gazon avec le
chien (145Kb) |
Le tit chien de mes parents. (100Kb) |
Encore le tit chien de mes parents (72Kb) |
Nat, goofing off on the Big Top in Barcelona. (63k) |
Nat, working in the tent shop. (125k) |
Nat, perched in a tentpole on the Big Top (50k) |
Nat, after a grueling climb down from the Big Top (51k) |
Nat, showing off her new haircut (25k) |
Nat, goofing off in the shop (57k) |
My folks in front of a Swiss-Army Tree in Zurich. (27k) |
Nat, showing us a small map of the Zurich public transit system (32k) |
Guy and myself on top of the world (10K feet, mount Titlis) (17k) |
Guy looking at the valley floor 3 kilometers below us.(15k) |
Myself, on top of the world.(27k) |
Pop and myself,smoking up Zurich (55k) |
Pop feeding bread to the swans of Zurichsee lake.(46k) |
Myself, standing at the corner of Goethe Str.(28k) |
Myself, my mom and my sister on top of Alegria's Big Top (36k) |
My pop and KC, in their garden. (64k) |
My mother, working on the wood splitter on our farm. (40k) |
My father, same situation as in previous picture. (21k) |
My sister, strolling in the woods in our backyard. (22k) |
My immediate family, during a fall stroll. (42k) |
Pops, Nat & KC during a winter cookout. (60k) |
Nat walking the big-crazy-dog (37k) |
My mom, the lumberjack. (49k) |
The original big-crazy-dog. (34k) |
Nat, Guy and myself before their departure for Barcalona (46k) |
Nat and Guy waiting for their flight at Dorval. (70k) |
My dad, holding a flower bush so that my sister can take the perfect picture.(40k) |
Mom posing with the sunflowers in our back yard. (62k) |
Pop playing hide and seek... (43k) |
Me and Nat. (33k) |
This is a really old picture of my father. He's 26, working on his mustang. (20k) |
My mom. Picture taken in 1970. (25k) |
My dad, in his early twenties. (25k) |
My dad, leaning on my great-grandfather's tombstone. (19k) |
Mom, showing off her flowers. (56k) |
Nat, in her western babe circus act. (41k) |
Myself, circa 1978-79. (40k) |
Myself, earlier timeframe. (37k) |
Nat, working in the Byward Market. (40k) |
Nat and myself, circa 1978 (or something like that). (26k) |
A family picnic a long time ago at the Luskville falls. (45k) |
In a pile of leaves at the Lemay Lake parc. (67k) |
A young M'onc Gaston at Gabrielle's house, in Deschambault (mid 1960s). (37k) |
Cool dude pops. (27k) |
Young Pops. (37k) |
Leo & Cecile. (31k) |
One of my many dogs on my old motorbike. (49k) |
Mandy, our old Shelty, on said bike. (67k) |
don't ask, I'm not sure myself...(53k) |
I miss that snowmobile... unfortunately, it died a rather violent death (42k) |
A really bad picture of myself as a bartending Santa at the Biochem Christmas party. (40k) |
All my cousins. (35k) |
All my aunts and uncles on my mother's side of the family.(25k) |
My cousin Martine, at a family gathering. (23k) |
Composite picture of all the brothers and sisters of my mom. Guess which cast member isn't on the original picture. (128k) |
Old picture of the paternal units. (70k) |
Nat, Pop and myself at the Parc du lac Lemay. (39k) |
A picture of my first tattoo. (32k) |
My profile, taken from a digital camera while I wasn't looking.(80k) |
A picture taken at night, on the penthouse roof of 2960EM (41k) |