Click on the thumbnails to see a larger version of the picture.
La maison, été 2002 (135Kb) |
Ma chambre, fraichement peinturée apres mon déménagement (110Kb) |
Le salon de mon apart (160Kb) |
Winter moon @L'Ange-Gardien (35K) |
Le crique qui coule derriere la
maison, en hiver (120K) |
Un casse-tête de clotures
sur le Chemin Filion (94K) |
Le petit bois derrière la
maison (145K) |
Yet another picture of the Arts Building. A friend firmly believes that the martlets on the flag look like KKK... (75k) |
The view of UofM from the penthouse terasse at 2960 E-M. (82k) |
My wall of shame for political cartoons at McMed Rm. #822. (88k) |
I DON'T WANNA! My friends heard me say that for three years during my master's degree. (109k) |
My workbench for 2 years at McMed Rm. #822. (42k) |
The Cirque Du Soleil compound in Barcelona. (56k) |
The Arts/Leacock building. (21k) |
The Physical Sciences and Engineering Library tower. (28k) |
The old PSE entrance. It's one of the older buildings of McGill. (25k) |
The arts building at night. (39k) |
The head office of Seagrams. (33k) |
The arts building. (44k) |
Sherbrooke St. at night. (32k) |
The view from my balcony. (37k) |
The first snow, as seen from my balcony on Aylmer St. (37k) |
The first day of Ice Storm '98 (34k) |
The Milton Gates of McGill. (22k) |
The trees in St-Hilaire. (96k) |
Quebec bridge. (29k). |
Our busy backyard at home. (40k) |
A night in the country. (18k) |
A 12-gauge shot, burnt, tractor trampled and sledgehammered snowmobile. (62k) |
The Bahnhoff Str. in Zurich. (38k.) |
The promenade along the Zurichsee lake. (27k) |
The canals in Luzerne, Switzerland. (25k) |
Mount Titlis, the hightest point in the southern Swiss alps.(34k) |
The medieval burg of Rotteln in Lorrach, Germany. (25k) |
A house along the canals in old Zurich (32k) |
Some cool european maple leaves on a cobblestone background. Shot in the courtyard of St. Peter's church in Old Zurich. (38k.) |
A picture of what turner out to be Einstein's monument (read statue)(33k). |
A vineyard in Germany's Black Forest region. This picture was taken on an autobahn going at 140kph. (127k.) |
The McIntyre Medical Building of McGill University (71k) |
My fridge magnets are a running gag between my sister and myself. My fridge is more cosmopolitan than I am. (58k) |