A view of alcatraz, off the 39th pier of fisherman's wharf. |
View from pier 39, with the Golden Gate in the background |
One of the curio shops of pier 39. It sells only fridge magnets :) |
A carousel in pier 39 |
A view of alcatraz, off the 39th pier of fisherman's wharf. |
Sea lions and a seagull, on pier 39 |
All the sea lions sunning themselves. They stink. |
A seagull, on the bay waterline. |
Two historical warships open for a visit. |
Michel, in front of the Jeremiah O'Brien, a merchie. |
The engine room of the Jeremiah. The engine shaft is 14 inches, has 3 pistons and will produce 2500hp. |
The DC generators. Each generator can produce 20kV, at 150 amps. |
A 3-inch gun on the deck of the O'Brien |
Me, sitting in the control seat of a 3-inch gun |
The bunk room inside the submarine |
The diving board inside the control room |
The depth gauges. |
The trim valves for dive control. |
The torpedo room. There's a mark-2 in the left tube. |
Our patriotic salute to the US navy :) Note that the flag only has 48 stars. |
A view of the Bay bridge from the upper deck of the O'Brien |
The cannery, a nice little shopping center with cool shops |
Another view of the cannery. |
A picture taken from the bus, on the way back from Napa Valley |
The wine tasting bar of the San Sebastiani Viansa winery in Sonoma |
Stairway outside the bar |
Vineyard of the Viansa winery |
Woodlands surrounding the Viansa winery |
Again, with a view of the vineyards in the background |
The aging room of the Cline winery, in Sonoma |
The gardens of the Cline winery |
More gardens of Cline |
The main building of the Sattui winery in Napa |
The Coit tower |
The view of the Bay from the tower grounds |
The Golden Gate Bridge, looking towards SF |
Lombard and Hyde intersection, at the top of the crookedest street in the world |
The view from atop. Walking up that hill is a pain. |
Lombard street from above... |
... and below. |
A moss-covered tree in Muir Woods |
The creek running through the woods. It's full of silverback salmon. |
Another view |
The walking paths through the woods. |
Giant redwoods |
Another view of the walking trails. |
A family circle of giant redwoods |
A plane about to crash in the Transamerica pyramid |
San Francisco City Hall |
Postcard row, from Alamo Park |
A cable car being turned around at the Powell St. terminus |
The Powell-Hyde cable car |
The Buddha of the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park |
The main gate of Japanese Tea Garden, photoshopped in sepia |
A lamp in the Tea Garden |
The moon bridge of the Tea Garden |
A stone path in the Tea Garden |
A shrine in the Tea Garden |
Reflexion pool in the Tea Garden |
Bonsais and shaped trees of the Tea Garden |
A waterfall in the Tea Garden |
Another waterfall |
And another one. |
The Zen Garden of the Japanese Tea Garden |
A view of the Monterey Bay from our restaurant |
The pacific ocean |
Pebble beach, overlooking the ocean |
The shoreline of Pebble beach |
Waves breaking on the shoreline |
Rain coming to the beach |
Birds overhead |
A seagull on the beach |
The lone cypress,view 1 |
The lone cypress,view 2 |
The lone cypress,view 3 |
The 18th hole of the pebble beach public golf club. |
A little birdie taking a bath in a rain puddle |
Alcatraz island, up close, from the ferry |
A warning sign on the island |
Broadway, the main cell block of Alcatraz |
Two typical cells in cellblock A |
The cells of cellblock A |
A cell in the hole.When they were occupied, no light could come in. |
Another one. Federal law said that the cell light should be kept on. Of course, it wasn't |
A view from Alcatraz. Sometimes, the inmates heard the parties from the local yacht club. |
A view from the cafeteria. You have the best view of SF from Alcatraz. |
The lighthouse of Alcatraz |
The isolation cellblock (right) and the recreation yard (left). |
A view of the Bay Bridge from Alcatraz Island |
A gull colony, with the Golden Gate in the background |
A kyooote little gull. Alcatraz island is the biggest gull colony in California. |
A view of the Bay Bridge from Alcatraz Island |
The San Francisco skyline as seen from Alcatraz |