Just came back from an enjoyable night with eniran. In case I hadn't mentioned it before, she's a great person to be around. She had me laughing all evening. Seeing her in a toy store is something else. She was kind enough to drive me there for an errand I wanted to do.
After that, we had dinner (sushi!) and spent a wonderful hour listening in to other people's conversations, point out badly dressed individuals, and just talking about stuff (mostly naughty things – teehee). After that, we went to Hurleys, for more random chatting, boobie grabbing (just once, but still, it maintains the tradition of boobie grabbing every time I'm there with her and/or with strychnyn) and booze. There was much laughter, which was very therapeutic today.
We ran into a barmaid that served us the last time we had a drink together. She remembered us, apparently we were having a bad night that night :) She was kind enough to drive me home afterwards, so I was able to bring my rice cooker home from the office. I'll be able to practice making sushi so it doesn't taste like paste (I still owe her, her girl, bouste and
strychnyn a sushi dinner).
So, I'm full with good food capped off with a nice pint of Bass, I'm home with my new teddy bear (I couldn't resist, he's too cute) and I'm all laughed out for tonight. All in all, a very good way to spend an evening.
Nighters all.
don't you mean
sbourge? or are you just that obsessed with boobies that your brain gives you bouste.. bust.. boobies!
Smartass. If you must know, bouste is his username on the hospital network where I used to work and he still does. :P
I am not obsessed with boobies.
I also think about asses once in a while.
So there.
I am a smartass, and I'm proud of it too.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being obsessed with boobies.
Asses are nice too though… hmmm.
You're getting that far away look on your face again. You know, the one you get when you talk about your bedroom romps…
lucky girl :P
*stupid silly grin* huh… wha… were you talking to me?