Rc says:
Snails go meow says:
Rc says:
Snails go meow says:
Rc says:
Snails go meow says:
Rc says:
carpet muncher
Snails go meow says:
yes, yes I am
Snails go meow says:
and proud of it too
Day: April 25, 2004
Anybody want to come to dinner?
Lazy sunday afternoon. I'm finally getting *some* work done, which is good, but I'm bored to tears, which is bad.
I have a pot roast in the oven. I was taught in the old-school slow-cook technique for roasts, so it'll cook away at 275oF for most of the afternoon. With regular basting, the meat literally falls apart under your fork. And my gravy is to die for :) I put half a bottle of a very spicy red wine in the pot, with red onions, carrots, celery and mushrooms. When the roast is done cooking, you simply strain it into a sauce pan and reduce it until you get it nice and thick. The flavours of that thing are heavenly.
So, if anybody wants to come and have some, it'll be served with steamed broccoli, buttered carrots and corn. Give me a shout and come on over :D
I should be working but I'm not
I tried my hand at making pancakes this morning. Sounds silly, but I'd never made them before. So GOOD, especially with fresh maple syrup!
Dreams and all
I was talking with kaliko_mel yesterday night about weird dreams. I've been getting some doosies these past few days. That tends to happen when I get a lot on my mind. Happened again last night. Bleh.