Hehehe. This weirdo is stealing it. Might never use it but stealing it anyway. I'm quite happy with my “fear the pussy” icon, thank you very much. *bows to you for cleaning it up for me* Sinfest rocks my socks.
You are right… it takes at least that long for the veneer to crack, and the horndog to peak out. That is, if there isn't any alcohol present… cause that time decreases exponentially after each drink.
Oh, it is always there, but I keep it hidden for a little while right at the beginning so as to not scare the kiddies away. You guys get to see it all the time
True… ok how about *is vewy vewy quiet so you don't get mad and tell people stuff that would make my head explode, but still bugs you enough to keep you happy*?
YOINK! *runs away with it*
Heh… okay… maybe not.
Hehehe. This weirdo is stealing it. Might never use it but stealing it anyway. I'm quite happy with my “fear the pussy” icon, thank you very much. *bows to you for cleaning it up for me* Sinfest rocks my socks.
It will compliment that tummy of yours quite well :D
I thought so :P
Besides, it's funny :D
I love sinfest, and you're quite welcome :D
It's funny that the 3 people who I thought might use this icon have commented :D
I didn't really take it, it's still there silly :P
You could have copied it as a user picture… I didn't check :) You're welcome to it if you want :)
Oh I know.. and I was here before
saucylaur and
ashre79 so hands of ladies! ;D
It's a big internet, there's room enough to share :)
*raises eyebrow* I suppose… *sighs*
Be nice now, or no strap-on for you.
You are so mean.
you love me :P
I do, damn it all to hell, but I do.
I know, and that's why you're getting a strap-on :)
*mumbles to self* Ahh.. the things you can get when you tell people you love them… muahahaha
Hehehe, guess we're a wee bit predictable.
*raises eyebrow* Need I remind you that I gave you your yummy tummy user icon? Show some respect, will you? ;D
*bows before you and kisses your feet* Yes, master… sorry master.
Hmmm, nice. Not exactly what I had in mind but good minion. *pats your head*
God, you're easy.
All the girls tell me that.
Nah, not all of 'em. Only the ones that have known you for more than 10 minutes. ;D
You are right… it takes at least that long for the veneer to crack, and the horndog to peak out. That is, if there isn't any alcohol present… cause that time decreases exponentially after each drink.
You mean the horndog is not always present? And I thought I knew you. ;P
Oh, it is always there, but I keep it hidden for a little while right at the beginning so as to not scare the kiddies away. You guys get to see it all the time
It's always there, just hiding. Like the leviathan. Once awakened though, it's a powerful force :D
Thank god we do. It's fun to play with.
Among other things…
Hehehe. Too true.
Uh huh, like what?
Just so you know, you don't have to answer that, I just wanted to put you on the spot. Jesus Crap, I *am* easily amused.
You'll have to do better than that to put me on the spot.
Don't tempt me.
Ok *is vewy vewy quiet*
Ha! Like that'll happen! Besides,I don't like it when you're quiet. It's never good news.
True… ok how about *is vewy vewy quiet so you don't get mad and tell people stuff that would make my head explode, but still bugs you enough to keep you happy*?
You can bug me any time, you do it so well. I'm not sure I know stuff that could make your head explode though.
Well I'm sure if you made me blush enough, the blood would just eventually make my head explode.
Still not sure I could pull that one off, but, hey, you never know.
Oh yes I do, but I'm not telling.
Party pooper.
Uh huh
*pouts so hard*
Awwww *gives you pats*
But still, no.
Crap, that usually works. Either I'm losing my touch or what you have in mind is even juicier than I thought. Pun intended.
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