Today will be a sloooooow day. I am suffering from a bad case of dayafteritis.
It all started last night, when eniran came over for dinner and a movie after her walkies with
strychnyn. When she got to my apartment, Caro, Annie and Seb were already on their merry way. It was Annie's pre-doctoral exam that day, and it didn't go well, so it was an occasion to get hammered. I made Sara and I some grub, and we joined the revellers on the balcony for a smoke before eating. That's basically when it all went downhill :)
Sara and I started to watch Last Samourai, but the roommates were in fine form, and we basically just watched the movie with half an eye. Watching Caro in action was so much funnier. I swear, the girl should give up lab research for stand-up comedy.
Don't ask me how the topic came up, for she went on a 30 minute rant about waxing her legs. She had all of us pissing ourselves, while she was miming the torture that is hot waxing in the middle of the living room floor. She then went on another rant concerning online dating, and the fact that a coworker had called her superficial. Chu pas superficielle crisse, c'est un catalogue de gars. Pourquoi je prendrais le petit gros?. My reply to that caused Seb to go in a laughing fit that left both of us panting and gasping for breath. Finally, because she hurt herself and hasn't done any exercise in the last week, she decided to do some pushups and situps and crunches – again in the middle of the living room. Then there was the incident with the bathroom scale (Tu veux que je me mettes la face dans ton cul???). I have pictures. Sadly, my camera ran out of batteries when things were really getting good, but I still have some pictures – which should make it online as soon as I get new batteries.
Man, those two were in fine shape last night.
But today I hurt.
It was worth it though :)
Ahh… good times, good times. I think I love your roommates.
I'll pass that along :) I don't think Caro swings that way though.
Damn! ;D
Is that to say that Annie does?!?
No (well I don't think so), but she has a steady boyfriend :)
Been there, done one of those… boyfriends don't mean anything ;D
Dear me, do tell :) You failed to mention that :D
I'm not 100% sure, but I do believe that Houston-girl had a boyfriend. I heard her friends mention him the next day we were in the bar.
Aaaaaaaaaah, gotcha.
I don't think she told them what exactly happened when she came to continue “partying” with my coworkers and I that night, for that exact reason.
Snara, corrupting fine morals since 1981.
I don't think I started that early… maybe since 1987-88.
With you, I could believe anything :)
That was when I first helped little Erin up of the ground in the schoolyard… and then chased the little boy who knocked her over.
*runs into the thread to say*
Awwwwww, Baby Butch Sara. So swute.
*runs back out*
I told you the training started early…
I still feel bad about Mark's arm… but he says it only hurts just before it rains ;D
*travels back in time and gives Baby Butch You a humongous hug*
At least he got a built-in barometer out of it. That's always that. ;D
Yeah, but I think he hates me more for getting him grounded the next year.
God damned, I'm never there when it's funny! Bunch of bastards! ;PPPPP
Any time, doll.
Mark, Mark, Mark?… You know that name kinda rings a bell. Not sure why though. Seems the koala is on strike. Oh well. *gives the koala a few eucalyptus leaves* Come on, guy, work with me here!
Mark was one of my best friends.. but one day he decided that I was a girl and therefore could not play hockey with them. So we fought, ended up on the ground then in the principal's office. Later that night, his dad dragged him to apologize to me. I stood at the door with my mum (who had a death grip on the back of my neck so I wouldn't laugh at him) and accepted his apology, but he was still grounded for two weeks for hitting a girl.
Oh my, you would have loved it.
Heheheh, such a cute story. If a bit embarassing for the guy.
The worst of it was, he was the only one worse for wear after the fight.
Of course, not much to look at but strong as a bull. You go, girl!
That's me.
Uh huh. *pokes your biceps* Oh my. *swoons*
hehehe… I only wish the muscles I do have were swoon-worthy.
Well one is *huge cheeky grin*
Wha? Huh? Wha? *drowns in own drool*
You broke me, you vixen!
I'll show you cheeky! *slaps your ass*
Awwww.. poor girl.
I broke her. Muahahaha.
Hey, I'm only human after all. I can't not react to those kinda comments, ya know? You evil thing, you.
*innocent look* Who me? Evil?
Yeah, you. Sarcastevil Extraordinaire you.
And innocent? Bwahahahahahahah. Right.
Didn't fool you, did it? Didn't think so, but it was worth a shot.
That stopped working a long time ago. Way back in August, I'd say.
And here I was, thinking that it still worked sometimes.. silly me ;D
Nah, this girl can't be fooled. I know all your tricks.
Whatever you say dear… I'm sure you don't know all of them (at least I hope not)
You know what? I think you might be right. I'm pretty sure you're still full of surprises. Lucky me. ;D
No doubt! I want photos!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
When I get new batteries, you'll have all the blackmail material you could ever want :D
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$… feel rich already :D
Just remember that she's bigger and stronger than you are. Also, she's more vicious :)
More vicious? Don't you ever forget again I AM FRENCH! I know about vicious! (and I'm greedy)
yes, but I have a feeling she fights dirty :P Hey, it's your ass :)
My kind of girl :D
I'll tell her you said that :P
If you don't tell her I'll share the benefits :D (gulp)
HA! It'll cost you :)