I was chatting with judyna last night, about a picture I'd seen and really liked. While I was looking for it, I got the idea to start a little collection of artistic photographs that depict the female form in beautiful ways. The result is here.
There's still a glitch in the HTML that renders the table, but I don't have time to go root for the cause. I'll figure it out later. If you have pictures you'd like to suggest, feel free to let me know.
Gorgeous, just gorgeous. There's just something about black and white. It's so sensuous.
I do contract work for a local photographer who specializes in 'therapeutic' photography for women who are unhappy with their bodies.
He actually shot a few of me and I find it hard to explain how odd/powerful that feels.
VERY nice collection you've assembled there.
Would it be possible to see the ones he took of you, if that's not too impertinent?
And thank you :D
you deleted me from your friends list?
Did I offend you?
Yes, and no.
I found the tone of some of your recent posts … a bit overly critical, and a smidgeon sexist (that mostly refers to this one. Now that might just be your particular brand of sarcasm and I don't get it, but it's not the first time I've gotten a twinge from reading some of your posts. I'm not slamming you here. You're perfectly entitled to your views, that's not the point. I just don't particularly want to read them.
I still browse your journal once in a while. I have it bookmarked with some others that I check less frequently. I took it out to keep my friend page as trim as possible.
that particular post was filled with honest answers to a meme. Sorry if it offended you…but it is *my* journal. I am not sure why or how you were personally offended when nothing in my journal is directed at you.
I thought you were cool and accepted me for what I am.
But whatever. You gotta do what you gotta do. I can dig it.
I'm not personally offended, it's just that I don't care for the the tone of some of your posts. They're you're opinions, you are perfectly entitled to express them.
This is not a personal attack on you or your beliefs, nor is my acceptance of you at issue here.
it's cool. Say no more. I know I won't.
Peace out.