I'm going to make this quick, for those of you who want to know. Met up with eniran at Hurleys for a quick pint. Dusty wasn't there, which was uncool. I like her :) I think she's on vacation. Anyway, the cute barwench replacing her was fun nonetheless. I got the present for
raspberrysalmon from eniran, which was good for a few laughs as we wanted to use it to clobber some biddies who were dissing Angelina Jolie near the fireplace.
We parted ways round 7pm and I headed to Weinstein & Gavino's to meet up with France. Had a great dinner, with fun conversation. After dinner, we went to a cigar shop and I indulged in my quarterly cigar. It's the only nicotine I allow myself, but it was a good night for it. We crashed on the McGill campus for a smoke and more talk. I like the girl, but there are some personality issues that might prevent me from really becoming attracted. Namely, she doesn't get the importance of silence and the joy of doing nothing. She doesn't understand how just sitting in a comfy chair, with good music and a cool drink can be a perfectly fine way to spend a weekend. She's the type of person that's always on the go, always doing something, always seeing people. I don't know if I want that. I like my quiet time… Anyway. It was a good evening, so that's fine for now.
Got home round midnight (and no eniran, I did not get lucky – nor did I really expect to :P), got everything ready for my train trip to Ottawa today and watched Muppets from Space before going to bed. I'm paying for that one today, as I'm seriously tired.
The train ride was good – as usual, it took me 15 minutes to go from Montreal to Ottawa. Talked a bit with mekez before falling asleep for the whole ride. I'm really happy that he's found someone, and things are looking really up for him right now. Yay! What a difference a few weeks make :)
So now I'm home, and the kitchen smells really good – freshly baked apple pie. My mom spoils me :D She saw the gift I'm sending Tia and her reaction was priceless. I wish I'd had my camera close at hand.
I'm going to wrap this up now, as a nap on the couch sounds like a really, really good idea. And then there will be pie…
† Quoted from Daffy Duck.