I wish I had a camera right now. I'm sitting on the big recliner in the living room, reading a book. The dog is curled up in a tight little ball between my feet, with its head resting on my leg. She's soooo cute. Once in a while, she'll let out a big sigh or a little whimper. I'm curious to know what dogs dream of… maybe steak-growing trees or edible cars… She's awake now, or at least her ears are. Every time a truck goes by, she'll look up to see if it's my dad. She doesn't do that for cars, only trucks. She's waiting for him to come back. Every time he leaves without her, she'll sit down in front of the dining room window, her chin on the sill, and wait for him. Such is man's best friend…
I want a puppydog.
Aww that's so cute how she waits for him! Little Mocka is sitting on my lap right now. I love kissing her little head and playing with her ears. Get a dog instead of a cat. My sister is especially allergic to cats, but she owns a big furry dog and she's not allergic to her.
Get a small doggie, like a Yorkshire (Mocka is half Yorkie). They're just so adorable. Or a little Shih-tzu (her other half). Even though they're not “manly” dogs they're certainly just like babies :) They wouldn't overcrowd the apartment. And he/she would be Mocka's playmate :D
Take me home, Richard! I'm a cute Yorkie
Or a Pomeranian:
Maybe they are fou fou dogs, but they're definitely chick magnets, trust me.
Those are not dogs. Those are big rats. I've told you before that a dog has to weigh more than a small child. I only tolerate my parents' dog because she's so lovable :)
A great dane could also be a playmate for Mocka :P S'good to hear from you though, I missed you :) How's work?
My baby is NOT a big rat!
lol it would kill her :D Great Danes are lovely, but they don't have a long lifespan :(
Work is good, I'm happy today is off though. I need to catch up on my math, the exam is on Thursday. Then I will have uninterrupted experiments hehe.
*whistles tunelessly and looks away*
it wouldn't kill her, danes are actually very sociable dogs. I know about the lifespan, but I doubt that would hinder me from getting one. Best of luck on your exam.
When are we going for that pint? You free on friday?
I want a puppy woman…but hey, it's a matter of taste after all ;P
A. Puppy. Woman…
Ok, I'm confused here.
they're definitely chick magnets, trust me.
Speaking as a chick… I'm much prefer the great danes to the shit-zus. If my cat can kick its ass… its too small. Had a half wolf mix at my barbecue the other day… shaped like a german shepard but all black and big enough to sit its chin on my counters… it was gorgeous.
Black hair all over my carpet tho.
*drool* I want one!
My parents' dog sheds like mad, so that's not a worry. I'm used to it.
You're always confused about women… ;P
yes, but the women I want don't usually bark…
You don't know what you miss! :D
…and I think I'm quite happy about that :P
But they howl if you do your job right…
He wouldn't know… ;D
Sucker! ;P
Ooooh BURN!
That they do :) 6 times even :P
6?!? Pshaw… that's nothin'!
remember the conversation we had last night? Bite me, frenchie-boy :P
Depends on the timespan…
Not if you are me.. *polishes knuckles on shoulder*
That topic came up last night… Poor, poor Ram :P
I remember you were supposed to dance naked on a table yes :D (and stop that, you had nothing to do with the event!)
Yeah, I feel bad for him… well after the fact anyway… cause during, I couldn't care less ;D
i'm getting REALLY curious about that conversation…
I had nothing to do with the event??? I was there :D
during, I'd be worried if you thought about him :D
I would need mental floss if I thought about him during.
Yes, you simply witnessed it :P
Try explaining *that* one to the girl :D
I will have you know that I was a very active participant in that event :P Fun, too :D
*winces* That would definitely get me a slap
hearsay! ;P
It was a very interesting conversation indeed ;D
If it's hearsay, I don't have to dance naked on a table. Make up your mind.
And not the sort you enjoy :P
Though I'd love to see her face were you to scream Ram's name instead of hers :D
I'd love to see his face… that is if I could still see with the black eye I'm sure to have
Anyway, you cheated and refused to dance!
I need to by *way* drunker to dance naked.
Poor bugger though, hearing you scream his name when he's hiding his head under a pillow in the next room :P
I doubt he would hear it though… as soon as he sees us go in the direction of my room, he puts on his stereo full blast.
You didn't need to be drunk to say you would dance naked on the table… you do not keep your word, that's all! ;P
smart boy :)
I'll dance naked just for you the next time I see you alone, in a private setting. Feel better?
Do you really want mightmares?