Some of my better typos, according to raspberrysalmon:
1. I'll go jump in the snower (for shower)
2. I'll go hump in the shower (read above)
3. snartass (a perennial favourite)
4. good lick on your exam
5. don't exaferate
I'm sure there are more, but those are the only ones I remember now.
Edit on 27/05/2004:
– ooh, I love it when you walk dirty to me (talking to straysparrow)
– bookbinging (instead of bookbinding)
Oh, no worries :) Normally, I wouldn't say anything. It's just that I actually need to get some work done today and you two are proving to be a source of distraction :)
No harm done :)
I can see that :P
Thanks ladies :) I appreciate it :)
…good lick…!
(see above…)
You wanna lick too? I got plenty more where that came from *sticks tongue out in your direction*
*thoughtful look*
ashre79 …
…if your tongue is long enough to reach
That is so not you :P
No, I can't do that with my tongue (all of my friends can though, weird huh?), but it was the coolest tongue pic I could find.
*chuckle*, silly thing :)
brat :P
*twacks you with a pillow*
*licks you*
don't know ANYBODY who can do that.
…looks weeeeiiiiird…
Well, my friends are weird, so I guess that makes sense
Curb that tongue of yours woman, or your girl will really come out swinging :)
Nah… she won't mind if I lick you to annoy you.
You should have put a picture of your girl knotting a cherry stem with her tongue :P
When I see her do that, grabbing the camera is the last thing on my mind… *gets dreamy look on face* How long until it's 6?
but knowing her, I can't lick you back :( what fun is that?
heehee ;)
You'll have to bring that up with her, man.
Humph. Seeing as my ass privileges have been revoked, I doubt it'd do any good.
Probably not.. sowwy, no lickies for you
That's what I meant. So be warned. Another lick and I'll have to hit you with a pillow again.
Meh, go right ahead..
Not that it matters anymore, my girl is sick. :(
awww :( no hot sex for you tonight? *pat*pat*pat*
And I'm not being sarcastic, that's really sucky. Give her my best, and tell her I'll make her kosher chicken noodle soup if she wants :)
I'll let her know.
so no plans for you tonight then?
Nope. Yesterday I was all free for the week, then I was booked solid, now I'm free again. What you up to?
going book shopping from 5 to 6, and then working on the plaster in my kitchen. You're welcome to come for both :)
Cool, sounds like a plan… but I'm not safe in a book store, how about I meet you when you are done there?
apparently, you're not safe in a grocery store either. At least there are no lobsters in Chapters.
I'll give you a call when we're done?
Cool, just call my cell and I'll meet you wherever.
sweet, willdo.
Willdo? Is that like a dildo that had a will to live?
*blank stare* I'm sorry, I have to hurt you for that one.
I know… that one was bad… *bends over so you can hurt me*
It would help if you didn't enjoy being punished to much, ya know.
I can pretend, if you want.
That would so get us both in heaps and heaps of trouble with the girl, you know that :)
Yes, yes it would… nevermind then.
What would you do without me to keep you in check, I have no idea :D
Me neither… al I know is that I would be single and hating every moment of it.
Nah, you wouldn't be single, but the girl would smack you more often :)
*is pensive* Maybe I should piss her off then, hmmmmm.. nice