Went to have a drink with eniran after work last night. We both kinda needed it, though we didn't stay too long. Went DVD shopping afterwards, where I bought Muppet Treasure Island and Sherlock Holmes Feature Films collection. After that, we went to the post office to pick up a parcel that was waiting for me. After a false start of not going to the right post office (we went to the one where the parcels used to be kept when I was living on EM) and then discovering that the pharmacy near my house has a complete section I'd never even noticed (which contained said postal outlet), I got the bright yellow box containing a quite horrendous fridge magnet (yay!), and this little guy here:

I'm sorely tempted to call him George, but since I can't, his name is officially Rolf.
Ate some pasta goodness, then watched the Muppet movie, chatted a bit and called it a night.