I think I caught the blues bug that's been floating around LJ recently. I didn't know you could catch something through your email, but this might be the first computer-human bug transfer in history.
Weekend was boring. Went through the motions of getting stuff done, and I actually managed to get a lot of household crap out of the way. For a while, there was actually no more dishes on my counter. People who have seen my kitchen will understand the impact of that last statement. I was bored to tears, and it seems everybody had plans. It's not often that I feel seriously bored, as I can usually entertain myself pretty well, but this weekend was not one of those.
I'm in a rather shitty mood today, which I think hit its lowest point last night when I was talking to M. When you're moody, talking to someone who's insanely chipper just makes you want to reach out and kill someone. Conversation topics really didn't help either… anyway. I didn't make an issue of it, because I know I'm in a funk and it's not my normal state of mind. Maybe
Anyway, I should get started on my day.