I've been re-reading the Harry Potter books recently, mostly because the latest movie is out. A few days ago, I ran across a link on FARK about HP fanfiction.
Now I have nothing against fanfiction. I've read some really good stories over the years. These are not some of them… You might wonder why I'm putting up a list then. I just want to share my amazement with all you fine people. You would think that after years on the internet, I'd cease to be surprised at what people will come up with…. Apparently this is not the case.
Here, for your pleasure, are some of the websites I came across while doing a quick googling for Harry Potter Fanfiction:
weasleycest: an LJ community that is dedicated to fanfic involving usually more than one Weasley.
pornish_pixies and
erotic_elves: two communities “that hosts nothing but smutty Harry Potter fanfiction and fanart”. The first is slash and femslash, the second is hetero.
http://afa.expecto-patronum.net/index2.html : another weaslycest website. Apparently, it's a popular topic.
http://www.fictionalley.org/fictionalleypark/forums/forumdisplay.php?forumid=14: a listing that points to stories written about ANY KNOWN CHARACTER PAIRING YOU CAN THINK OF! and I do mean any!
:gracious embarassment:
Er. I actually once stumbled across a potter fic I liked. It mapped HP and all characters into the Pride and Prejudice world.
It was pretty good, too.
lol, like I said, I've also read some decent fanfic (though mine was mostly startrek). This is not fanfic bashing, nor it is HP fanfic bashing. It's *weird* fanfic bashing :P
Look at that last link. You'll see that people wrote about every possible combination of cast pairings imaginable.
Oh yes, I too have tried to enter the wonderful world of HP fanfiction. It wasn't much of a success. It actually scarred me for life. *pokes own eyes out*
I think the fact that there's a weaslycest LJ community speaks for itself…
Uh huh. *shudders*
Harry Potter: “Love me, fear my fans!” ;D
No, no, that's OK. I have a vivid imagination.
smart cookie. BTW, where did you find that icon? I love it :D
Heh. I honestly can't remember, but it's my favorite passage from my favorite comic book ever – I Feel Sick (1&2)
I need to look into it. That's how I often feel when dealing with clients :D
Heh. It truly rocks, though the icon sequence sort of encapsulates it. The full title is “I Feel Sick (a book about a girl)”, by Jhonen Vasquez. JV is perhaps better known for work like Johnny the Homicidal Maniac (of whom the lead of I Feel Sick is a spinoff character, The One What Got Away) and, more importantly,
Invader Zim.
La la la :geek: