I just spent the evening watching the chief's debate on television with mekez. The scary thing is that it was really interesting. For the first time in my life, I'm really into politics. I see it as a sign I'm getting old and stogey that I can hold my own in a political debate.
Things are really going to be interesting in the upcoming elections. For the first time in years (well, in the last 2 federal elections), I feel that there's a real alternative, and you're not voting for which party you want in the official opposition if you're not inclined to vote liberal.
Now this might just be my drunken ramblings (as I have a bottle of riesling in me), but I personally don't have any confidence in the liberals, and I find the PC scary as hell (especially in abortion issues and military spending). The bloc is not an option (as I'm not a sovereignist, and I want a national party leading my country), so that basically leaves the NDP. This is not a problem, as I'm really interested in (and in favour of) a lot of what Layton is saying. His stance on gay rights, health care and social issues is on par with my views, so I have no moral objections to voting NDP.
A lot of people think that voting against the PC is more important, but I don't agree with that. I really like Layton's stance of voting *for* a party than *against* one. Anyway, it's a toss up at this point. A lot of people think that the liberals might get in because the PC is turning off voters with their stance (and an equal amount of people think that the liberals have no chance in hell because of lack of public confidence). Anyway, it's going to be an interesting night this coming monday.
Just remember, go vote :)
Nah, an interest in politics is not a sign of aging, it's a sign of anti-apathy, which is a good thing. If I were a citizen rather than a perm. res. I would have definitely voted NDP. They seem to be my political party soul mates (Layton seems strange though). There was a good comparison on several different issues on CTV's website, dunno if you checked it out.
…sadly, many austrian politicians are mainly embarrassing.
but at least we've always got someone to laugh about. (or cry, when we realise that there are people who must have voted for certain politicians)
I'm so terrified of Stephen Harper. I only recently found out that most countries in the world do not accept proper immigration – you must be born there for it to work. Which explains so much, but also kills my escape hatch! I wanted that hatch! I think Layton would be _amazing_. I wish it were possible…
Depends on the country. If you have marketable skills, it's usually just a matter of surviving the bureaucracy. My friend's sister is immigrating to Italy.
lol! I'm not saying we don't have those. I mean, the guy I'm propably going to vote for looks like a used car salesman when he's talking directly to the camera…
Layton looks like the “oui papa!” dude from the carpet commercials – you might not have seen them, they're fairly old. IMHO, Layton comes across as a phoney when talking directly to the camera (but that's probably media inexperience), but he held his own quite well on head-to-head debates.
Yeah, I know, but still – not the way Canada allows immigration. It's scary. And … Stephen Harper! The man looks like a man-droid! He's so _creepy_! I'd report him as a stalker if he so much as spoke to me at a bar.
I'm more afraid of what's coming out of his mouth than what he looks like :P I mean, come on, he's a lot more presentable than Layton is. The man looks like a carpet salesman, but I'll still vote for him :)
Oh, I dunno. Layton has eyes that aren't curiously reflective. He doesn't look like someone stuck a colour-vacuum up his ass and removed everything that wasn't blue.
But yeah, his promises terrorize me even more.
My friend and I spent the first minutes debating who was the ugliest candidate. The dude with the weird eyebrows from the question panel won :P
*laaaaaughs* What, not Duceppe with his eyes buggin' out or Martin with his jowls rolling? Stunning.
I clearly didn't watch the debate. I don't like listening to politicians lying, and I don't particularly care what they have to say; I'm aware of what the country's been like for the last ten, and I know Mr. Harper is a goon, and that Layton _is_ a used-carpet salesman. The sad thing is that I really feel I have no-one to vote for, so Layton wins on account of being anti-American.
Layton also kinda gets my vote by default, but at the same time, I agree with a lot of the platform of the NDP, so that's ok.
It wasn't the best debate in the world – a lot of squabbling at some times, but the panelists were friggin butt ugly! When you say that Lloyd Oliver is the best looking man on the panel, that's saying a lot!
Yes. Yes, it is. Shame that Canadians believe in the policies before the attractiveness of their politicians. Seriously, none of our candidates would even come close to being President down south. They're just not pretty enough.
god bless america.