Went to moonlightjoy's and
emjayne's garden party last night with
eniran and Audrey. I had a really good time. Talked geeky fiction and home decor for a good part of the evening. I was able to put a face to the screennames of people I occasionally goof off with, like
electricland (though I'd met her once before),
defrocked and
mr_manifesto. I know I'm probably forgetting many people, but um, some of the details are vague and murky near the end of the night. Something to do about gay midget bondage porn…
Got home and had a very late (and very light) dinner and fell in bed 'round 2am. Of course, my body hates me and woke me up at 7:30 *groan*, Couldn't get back to sleep, so I decided to go online.
It's close to 4pm Vienna time, and I promised raspberrysalmon I'd send good thoughts in her direction. Today is her last exam of the semester, and once she waxes rhapsodic on the virtues of anticoagulants, she'll be on vacation for the next few months. Go you!
*gets up and shuffles towards the kitchen for coffee*
No work today? Good for you!
gay midget bondage porn.
and garden parties.
I envy you
Don't envy me. I woke up with one of the worse case of the pasties I've ever had :P
Nope. Today is a provincial holiday.
Sadly, I don't have a garden to throw parties. I believe you do. Throw one and I'll do my best to see all the insanity go to it :D
*gives you a big twirly hug!*
*looks around to see if anybody is watching*
*adds a butt fondle to the hug*