I just spent the evening watching the chief's debate on television with mekez. The scary thing is that it was really interesting. For the first time in my life, I'm really into politics. I see it as a sign I'm getting old and stogey that I can hold my own in a political debate.
Things are really going to be interesting in the upcoming elections. For the first time in years (well, in the last 2 federal elections), I feel that there's a real alternative, and you're not voting for which party you want in the official opposition if you're not inclined to vote liberal.
Now this might just be my drunken ramblings (as I have a bottle of riesling in me), but I personally don't have any confidence in the liberals, and I find the PC scary as hell (especially in abortion issues and military spending). The bloc is not an option (as I'm not a sovereignist, and I want a national party leading my country), so that basically leaves the NDP. This is not a problem, as I'm really interested in (and in favour of) a lot of what Layton is saying. His stance on gay rights, health care and social issues is on par with my views, so I have no moral objections to voting NDP.
A lot of people think that voting against the PC is more important, but I don't agree with that. I really like Layton's stance of voting *for* a party than *against* one. Anyway, it's a toss up at this point. A lot of people think that the liberals might get in because the PC is turning off voters with their stance (and an equal amount of people think that the liberals have no chance in hell because of lack of public confidence). Anyway, it's going to be an interesting night this coming monday.
Just remember, go vote :)