I'd previously mentioned that I might be getting a hypo-allergenic cat but, through miscommunication and tragedy, I wasn't going to get one this year. Well, this morning, I got email from the breeder.
I'm getting a kitten :D *bounces around the room*

What will you name it?! Personally, I think you should name it Elle, after me. hehe.
yes, but it's a male :P
…why not Lui? :-p
(…no idea, actually… and yes, i know i'm not being very helpful here)
I was thinking Boris :)
But he doesn't look like a Boris!
so what does he look like then?
Something cute and fluffy wuffy!
I am NOT naming my cat fluffy wuffy!
I meant a cute and fluffy wuffy name :P Heck even “Muffin” would be better than Boris.. Boris is nice but a bit dry.
I like Boris :P
He'll be happy to hear that. ;P
FYI, my brother's name is Boris so this convo made me giggle quite a lot. ;D
well howdy stranger! long time no see :D
Yup. How you doing buddy?
tired, but ok :) You?
About the same. Very tired and kind of ok. Check my LJ for further details. ;D
mmokay. *grabs pot of coffee and shuffles off*
Awww, I keep forgetting how early it is over there. *pat, pat*