I hate debugging code I wrote more than a year ago.
Which was then tampered with by other people.
Who didn't know how it worked.
And thus, make me want to hurt them.
The beaver is a proud and noble animal
Notes from a bemused canuck
I hate debugging code I wrote more than a year ago.
Which was then tampered with by other people.
Who didn't know how it worked.
And thus, make me want to hurt them.
I keep thinking I should upgrade my LJ account to have more user icons, but I can't justify the expense to myself. Guess I'll just have to keep making icons and leave them for public usage :)
Major headache just slammed into poor little ol' me during the metro ride. I feel like shit. Took some advil, hope it'll pass soon.
I need sleep.
…but I had to throw a pussy out of my bed last night.
I think he's firmly established that this is his new home, cause he had the wind up his ass last night. tumbling through the apartment, chasing everything that moved. All perfectly fine feline behaviour.
aaaaaadfg rtfg-[ZZZZZZ
excuse the interruption, that was kitty investigating the top of my desk where, incidentally, my keyboard is located.
So, as I was saying, last night. Urgh. eniran was over for fuud and a movie (I bought Transporter, which is a movie I'd wanted to see for a long time, and two Dennis Leary movies). Boris is getting more rambunctious, which is good, and more vocal, which I'm still undecided on. If he can't see anybody for more than 5 minutes, he mewls.
When the movie ended, I got ready to go to bed. Boris, being a kitten, and thus a ball of energy, wasn't. Again, perfectly normal. Went to bed and tried to fall asleep. I usually keep my bedroom door ajar to get a bit of ventilation going at night. I'd been in bed for 5 minutes when I hear a flomp, a mewl, and realize that kitty is right besides my head on my pillow. I figure, what the hell, might as well try and left him there.
It didn't work.
He was batting my pillow corners, playing with my hair, just basically being a nuisance. Or a kitten. At 1am, the distinction is marginal. I finally picked him up and left him on the futon in the livin room. I had to shut my door and lodge my laptop bag against it to finally try and get some rest. Of course, that didn't deter him from scratching at my bedroom door and attacking the straps that went under the door.