So here I was this morning, making myself a lunch to bring to the office, when I feel something tugging at my pant leg.
I mean… how can you not just laugh at that sight. Fricassee of cat, anyone?
He's also discovered how to climb up on my dresser, so basically, from now on, I'll be picking shit up off the floor on a daily basis:
On a completely different note, I've been hacking my LJ client for fun. I'm basically doing this to hone up on my C# skills, but it's really, really fun :D
I'll be picking shit up off the floor on a daily basis
not literally i hope ;)
so do I :P
want kitty.
heehee, get your own pussy :)
You know you should replace your sleeping kitty user pic with a boris one… so much more fun to have your own kitty's pic than someone else's.
Good point :)