I sent a little email to both people responsible for the McGill job. One answered back telling me he was on vacation, and that the best person to talk to was the other guy. Still waiting for his answer to see what's happening.
*crosses fingers and toes and rubs lucky Tia's foot*
Edit: Just heard back from other fellow. He's also on vacation until aug. 12, but said he'd get in touch with me when he got back. Squeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
you DO realise that i haven'T washed it yet?
as long as it's lucky…
you never said anything about a lucky foot.
only about lucky tia's foot… :p
i figured i was lucky enough to get a free foot massage.
(although actually you'd probably be tickling me to death with it…!)
I give a damn good foot massage, and you don't need trickery to get one, you know I'll always be willing :)
(and no, I wouldn't tickle you do death – there are more fun spots to tickle than feet)
all you have to do is TOUCH my feet and i'll be tickled to death!
ok then. I'll give you a foot massage while you're wearing bunny slippers.
heehee, bunny slippers for a lucky foot.
I feel a care package item coming on :D
i'm seriously starting to dread that next care package!
well, there will be no sex toys in this one, so what is there to be worried about? :D
hm. a dead postman in front of my door?
it's getting heavier all the time…!
slippers aren't that heavy :)
*crosses fingers for you*
both on vacation?
that's unfair, that is…! :-S
Meh, it's not soo bad. Head dude is back on the 12th.
thanks :D