I'm sure it makes perfect sense if you're a cat…
More new kitty pictures are posted here.
The beaver is a proud and noble animal
Notes from a bemused canuck
Saw it this morning, found it appropriate :)
The Republican are meeting in New York, and the first group to cause a stir are, apparently, the Iowa caucus. They are all wearing buttons that read “God's Official Party” or “God's Own Party”.
Quick, if you translate “God's Own Party” into Arabic, what would the name of the party be?
The irony of it just makes me want to giggle.
Springsteen, R.E.M., Pearl Jam, the Dave Matthews Band, the Dixie Chicks, and others have teamed up with anti-Bush group MoveOn.org for the “Vote for Change” tour. The profits from the tour will benefit Americans Coming Together (ACT), a voter-registration effort dedicated to defeating President Bush in November and helping to elect progressive candidates to federal, state, and local government positions.
The Democrats don't have a monopoly on musicians: The GOP can count on Johnny Ramone, Kid Rock, Ted Nugent (a declared independent but Bush backer), [christian rocker] Michael W. Smith and a host of country artists, some who will perform this week at the Republican National Convention in New York City
Kid Rock or DMB. Nugent, or the Chicks. Decisions, decisions…
original link here: http://edition.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/08/29/gop.music/index.html
With regards to the post-Olympic legacy of Greece:
While hotels, restaurants and taxis did a booming business in Athens, the sex-trade workers did not. Prostitution is legal and highly regulated in Greece, but sex workers complained they saw none of the boom in business experienced four years ago in Sydney, where the workers put in overtime.
…sucks to be a Ho'.
Just called overseas to say three little words.
I have a huge grin on my face and I'm all giddy.
I gots it baaaad.
*happy sigh*
I'm freaked out. I folded two loads of laundry, and all my socks matched up.
In all the years I've been doing laundry, I don't know if that ever happened…
I finally bought my friggin kitchen table :D
Of course, I don't physically have it yet, as it doesn't fit in the car, and must therefore be delivered. In 7 to 10 days.
…but it's a start :D