Just got back from a night of playing pool with ashre79,
emjayne and a whole bunch of other people whose names now elude me. Pool was fun. I haven't played in ages … and it shows. I managed to do stuff that, were I actually trying to do so, I would never be able to do on purpose. The shot of the evening involved me actually jumping the cue ball off the table. I was thanking my lucky stars that MJ wasn't pointing her camera at me at the time. Speaking of that camera, a friend of MJs took a wonderfully artistic “ass shot” series of pictures that she promised to send me tomorrow, so stay tuned for them. The evening was fun, even though the music was way too damned loud, and not entirely to my tastes, but hey, we still managed to laugh a lot and make lots of pervy comments about asses, sticks and balls.
It's now 1am and I'm off to bed as soon as I finish typing this entry. It's been a long day. We spent the better part of the afternoon walking downtown and on St-Denis – it was the perfect weather for it. Cool, sunny and windy. Got home, had some yummy dijon chicken goodness, and then flaked out on the couch for a bit before going to meet up MJ.
Other element of note is that I chatted with petkatyyazzick for a while before we had to leave. That was fun. She's enjoyably weird (cute too!), just like the rest of the crazy bunch. She fits right in :D