Lazing around today. Chatted a bit with petkatyyazzick and
montreality; and Tia called from Bern this morning to wish me a happy birthday. It's always interesting to talk to her – with her accent, you'd swear she was british :) She's having an interesting weekend at a Busker festival there, among bird-flipping leather-kilted scotsmen, Mongolian singers and Italian saxophonists. It was fun talking to her, as I do miss talking to her on a regular basis.
montreality gave me a really sweet gift today – she paid for a 6-month full user account on LJ. Let the icon madness begin :D
I spent a good part of the morning watching MASH episodes on TV with cat sleeping right next to me. He was all quiet and content, purring away. How cute, thinks I.
Then he woke up and bit me on the ass.
Yes, he did.