Slow day today. Spent way too much time doing manual data curation for a client. Great lady, I really like her, but right now, my head isn't in it and checking a few thousand rows of a database for inconsistencies really isn't floating my boat.
I've tried to nonchalantly drop in to the McGill dude's office to see what's happening for the last two days now. Monday was a no-go because my day sucked ass at work. I had a chance to drop by today, but he was in a meeting. damndamndamndamn.
Boris, for some reason, has discovered a fascination with the bathroom sink. I wake up in the morning and go to the bathroom… and he's sleeping in it. I turn on the tap, and he's just fascinated by it. Even though he hates getting wet, he'll sit in the sink and let his paws get wet and watch the water go down the drain. Silly cat. He spent the whole evening sleeping on my arm tonight.
I have a few pictures on the digicam, I just need to get new batteries so I can download them. More later. Sleep now.