Slept ok, but tossed and turned a lot this morning. Got up and started sneezing. Gotta love ragweed. My allergies have been fairly mild for most of this summer, but I think they're planning to make up for it these days. I'm sneezy and generally feel like shit. Joy. I was wondering why I was feeling so lethargic these days, until I realized this morning that it's probably the benadryl. I could switch to something non-drowsy, but it takes a few days to build up an effective dose, and now is not the right time to do that… so I'll stick with coffee.
On another note, cat is no longer allowed in my room when I'm not in the apartment. Little bugger discovered how to climb on the shelves above me computer. Ya know, the ones where I keep all the fragile knick-knacks I have. That, and he batted my sketching pad stylus off my desk. I wanted to check my email last night when I discovered that my stylus was missing. I checked under the desk, bed, commode, radiators, yada yada, but to no avail. Do you have any idea how friggin annoying it is to use windows without a mouse? Bleh.
yes yes i do!! i do!! *jumps up* i do!!! encourages you to learn key board shortcuts tho ;)
Heehee, you broke LJ :D
I do know the shortcuts. They're just a pain to use when you're not really awake.
didn't… it were.. umm…jeff?
Tell your evil twin not to use << … >> when quoting :P
bloody html coding crap :P
and remember, computers are your friends :)
well with friends like these… who need enemies!!
*PC in the background goes BOOM!!!*
and when all else fails, remember troubleshooting rule #1.
pull the plug and run screaming from the room???
kick it.
i prefer to use baseball bats
ever see the movie Office Space?
nope, why?
there's a scene that every person who's ever worked in IT wants to live out. It involves a laser printer and a baseball bat :)
oooo *gets excited*