The Republican are meeting in New York, and the first group to cause a stir are, apparently, the Iowa caucus. They are all wearing buttons that read “God's Official Party” or “God's Own Party”.
Quick, if you translate “God's Own Party” into Arabic, what would the name of the party be?
The irony of it just makes me want to giggle.
It's amusing and disturbing at the same time. How republican…
I'm just looking forward to The Daily Show with Jon Stewart's coverage :)
I truly hope that this translation would go public in the US media… I would be reeaaallly curious to see how W Bush answers to that….
Dubya: “We will fight those terrorists who defile the name of God”
Hezbolla, lol good one :D Irony indeed!
He probably doesn't know about what Hezbollah is anyway
That is definitely giggle inducing irony!
The point of which would be so very lost on so many of the delegates…
Of course. They're the dangerous religious terrorist fundamentalists. We're the good guys. See? easy.
If they would apply it literally, that would mean civil war in the US… against themselves… ? (if it's possible…)
Yeah, I know… dream on… dream on
That's quite sad, isn't it ? But you're quite right…
we have to make it simple and use easily understandable words : evil libanese terrorists…
Yeah, I know, libanese is a very difficult word also, but it's a good start if he gets 2 out of 3…
If he doesn't get everything he's not gonna understand the sentence… to make it simpler to him we should use “evil arab terrorists from a country with no oil.” That's the only way he gets how bad it is… in his own terms.
hihihi! ^_^
Indeed, that's fairly clear enough !
Whoa. Terrifying.