Hee! Hee!
I'm a lazy bugger. This is not news. The fact that I had to fire up my FTP client to upload files to my website so I could share them with all you lovely blog readers was a hassle. So, being a geek, I did something about it. Behold:

I now simply have to right click on a file and select Send To->LJ Image Directory and the file is automagically uploaded. I just hacked a little application in C# that uploads a file as a background thread to my webserver.
*does the happy dance*
That's a cool application!
je peux te la donner si tu veux. Faut juste que tu mettes un script PHP sur ton site web pour recevoir le file upload, et le tour est joue. Aussi, faut que tu installes le .NET framework sur ton desktop.
Ce serait vraiment cool :))))))
Je crois que j'ai le .NET framework, quant au php ça ne devrait pas être un problème.