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The beaver is a proud and noble animal
Notes from a bemused canuck
Marc and I did a big part of the kitchen. The only thing that's left is the final cut-in work around the edges. We were both kind of fed up tonight, so we left that for tomorrow. The whole thing looks good. Not great, but good. Not the tiling pattern I'd have chosen, but considering I didn't pay for the tiles, I don't really care. Besides, anything is better than what was there up until a few hours ago.
The only thing that's really pissing me off right now is that I still have traces of the friggin glue from those tiles. It just doesn't want to come off.
Hate that.
I'm having the biggest case of deja-vu right now… weird.
Marc and I are re-tiling the kitchen floor. While we were talking about how we were going to do it, I was thinking: “ok, I need a chalk line, utility knife, scrapers, prybar for the baseboards, etc…”. The funny thing is that I've never really done this before, but stuff my dad taught me years ago is coming back, bubbling up through layers of old memories. The chalk line is a prime example. Tips and tricks that he passed on while we were working on the farm buildings. I know how to use all the tools I own efficiently, and I realize that I want to have more tools, cause they're useful to have around when you need them. There are also some projects I've had in the back of my head for a while now. It's a nice feeling. So, thanks dad :D
Went to have dinner with Michel (had an awsome T-bone steak), followed by a few drinks at Hurleys and a game of count the whores along St-Catherine. Throw in a good conversation with serious and not-so-serious topics and you have the recipe for a great evening :)
Went to see Hero tonight with F. It is, by far, the most cinematographically beautiful movie I've seen in a long time. It's very much like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, as Tan Dun and Itzack Perlman are doing the soundtrack, the the fight scenes have a similar choregraphy and there's even some similar actors. However, the movie is just gorgeous. Rarely do I enjoy reading a movie (it's only available un english subtitles), but this time, I didn't even notice.
After the movie, I felt in the mood for a doobie, which is something in indulge in very rarely. Tonight felt right though, so I went back to F's place and we shared one. It was a fun evening, with both us playing “name that tune” with our preferences.
Between talking to her walls and being attacked by clothing, F did a good job in making me laugh my ass off. Left before I fell asleep on the couch and walked from VanHorne/Darlington all the way back to my place – a decent 40 minute walk. Now I have this huge honkin' blister on my right heel :( Not good.
Off to bed now *YWAN!*
Bonjour Mr. C,
Seriez-vous disponible pour une breve rencontre avec les Dr. David
Thomas et Michel Tremblay le 16 septembre prochain de 9:30 a 10:00 am?
I'm meeting the McGill dudes next thursday :D
Originally from kaliko_mel
In Prison: You spend most of your time in a 7 x 10 cell.
At Work: You spend most of your time in a 6 x 6 cubicle.
In Prison: You get three meals a day – no charge.
At Work: You get a break to have one meal a day – and you have to pay for it.
In Prison: You get time off for good behavior.
At Work: You get rewarded for good behavior – with more work.
In Prison: A guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you.
At Work: You have to carry around a security card and unlock and open all the doors yourself.
In Prison: You can watch TV, read newspapers and play games.
At Work: You will be fired if caught watching TV, reading newspapers or playing games.
In Prison: You get your own private toilet.
At Work: You have to share a toilet with many others.
In Prison: You are allowed to have family and friends visit you.
At Work: You are not even allowed to speak to family or friends.
In Prison: All your expenses are paid for by the taxpayers.
At Work: You get to pay all your expenses to go to work and then they deduct tax from your salary (to pay for prisoner expenses).
In Prison: You spend all your time looking out through bars, wishing you could get out.
At Work: You spend most of your time wishing you could get out – and go inside bars.
In Prison: The prisons are run by wardens and guards who are often sadistic.
At Work: You have the same sadists but they're called supervisors and managers.
In Prison: You have unlimited time to read e-mail jokes.
At Work: You get fired if you get caught sending or reading e-mail jokes.