The beaver is a proud and noble animal
Notes from a bemused canuck
my office laptop just got delivered, oooooooooh!
We went to the biodome this weekend. There were munkeys and penguins.
More pictures here
oh, and cat was just too cute on sunday:
Edit: to all of you who commented snarkily, I say ptptptptptptptptptptppt!
When I was 14 or 15, I bought a pack of naughty playing cards at a flea market. When you're a horny teenager, that's a find indeed. I recently came across them and man, those things are SCARY!
After showing them to Sara, her reaction to them was “it's a good I never saw them when I was younger or I'd never have become a lesbian”. We're talking jungle bush here.
– Did you just make my arm fart with your ear?
– Yes
– Do it again :D