awwwww. But just think that all that white, shiny, fresh, powdery snow to go play in. If that doesn't cheer you up, you can always think of a horse eating a banana. That's what it's for.
this is vienna.
in vienna, snow is the white stuff that falls from heaven, only to be then transformed into either water or grey slush as soon as it hits the floor.
gah! Richard! That almost gave me whiplash!! (I'm on the computer at home and the window is behind me)… I don't see snow :(.
first day of snow here as well…
ahahahaha! the white shit is coming for you! but not for me! not just yet…
well it was snowing when I got up this morning. Big fat flakes, too.
admit it, you miss it :D
why the meh?
it's snowing outside.
As opposed to when it's snowing *inside*? ;P
i do! :)
i'm coming up in the spring! hehe! when there is less snow
bwahahahah, go bratty me!
talk to Sara about the twacker I bought too :P
Oh my god, TMI, TMI!
Unless you bought it for her? *huge pervy grin*
no, but she was the first test subject for it.
I'm sure she loved it. That girl loves her pain. ;P
cold. grey.
she approved :P
awwwww. But just think that all that white, shiny, fresh, powdery snow to go play in. If that doesn't cheer you up, you can always think of a horse eating a banana. That's what it's for.
A Sara-approved twacker? That does sound like fun. ;D
this is vienna.
in vienna, snow is the white stuff that falls from heaven, only to be then transformed into either water or grey slush as soon as it hits the floor.
but, but, what about the tales from the vienna woods??? that has to be all nice and white and pretty!
say it ain't so!
well, funnily enough, the vienna woods are on the outskirts of vienna as opposed to right in the city center.
so see? you can go play there to get your dose of white, xmassy snow :)
…i doubt it.
maybe in a few weeks.
but vienna just isn't very snowy.
you're resisting all my attempts to cheer you up. What's up, doc?
It was.. and I have the welt to prove it
you ended up having a welt finally?
A little one yes.. but that's only cause you hit like a girl ;D
You'll tell me about it later, won't you?
Of course.. I'm trying to sort Halifax out still though. *pouts*
Good luck on that, loveypooh of me.
It's mookie-pie, I tells ya.
Hey, I called her loveypooh way before you started calling her mookie-pie so you shush! ;P
I am properly shushed.
Good boy. *pats your head*