Your mission, should you choose to accept it…
Post a reasonably-sized picture in your LJ, NOT under a cut tag, of something amusing, or pervy or just plain wrong. Something that will bring a smile to peoples' faces. Or you could go with her idea and post something cute and adorable and funny.. up to you.
Include these instructions, and share the love.
Either you people haven't seen this yet, or you're all blase, cause this actually distrubed the hell out of me when I first saw it :)
i'm not actually scarred by this. you fail!
you're the exception that proves the rule.
I am.
much better.
Been there, done that…
Truth is, I saw that when I was in the library earlier today and I was too damn shocked to reply. Not to mention the fact that I closed the window as fast as possible. ;P
yikes. I am TOTALLY scarred by this.
I am now going to a corner of my office to sit on the floor, rock back and forth, and say “why Lord, WHY??”
euh… ok… WTF !
j'avais déjà entendu parler de cette mode-là, mais ça me semble encore plus ridicule de le voir en photo… je comprends juste pas c'est quoi le trip…
faut croire que j'ai pas eu de traumatismes sexuels dans ma jeunesse impliquant des toutous…