Just had a two-hour phone conversation with my sweetums. You have to love phone cards. That call, in prime time, cost me the whopping sum of 85 cents :) It was good to talk to her for a good chunk of time. We talked about everything and nothing, and… other things too. It was nice. I realize just how much good it does to me to hear her voice.
I'm leaving in 42 days now :)
Meeting today went well. That's as much as I want to talk about it today, cause it's work, and work is done until monday. Suffice it that I'm relieved, I know where I'm headed and have a clearer picture of what needs to be done. It's enough for now.
I've worked up an appetite, so I'm going to fix a snack until Sara gets here and we have dinner.
*happy sigh*
Sara will be there soonish, sorry for keeping her so late. ;D
sokay :)
Cool then. Have fun tonight and give her a big hug for me, will you?
41 days now :)