Made a new user icon for myself, feel free to mooch:

The beaver is a proud and noble animal
Notes from a bemused canuck
Made a new user icon for myself, feel free to mooch:
Went to TO for a meeting at Mt. Sinai hospital today for work. Felt like a bigshot, jetting for a monday morning meeting and jetting back, until I realized that I was tired as hell and hotel beds are not as comfy as my own.
I got to Dorval at 5:50 for a 7:45 flight. I thought I was being paranoid. Go my and my 6th sense. I got to my gate at 6:50, or basically, it took 2 minutes to check in for my flight at 58 minutes to pass the security checkpoint. Big points to Garda. The lineup was simply stupid. People lined up 10-lanes deep weaving around the departure area. When I finally got to the magnetometer, in sharp contrast to my departure from Heathrow, things went back to my usual beepy self. I even had to undo the button of my jeans to show that I didn't have a really small but potentially deadly knife in my belly button. Geez… The foil in my pack of gum set the damn machine off. Then there was the whole rigmarole with the laptop. Now that I'm working back in the lab, I just fear the day that the chemical sniffer is going to pick something it doesn't like and I'll be politely escorted into a small room with large men and rubber gloves.
When I finally got to the gate, I didn't really have a moment of peace because there was the whiniest kid on earth waiting with his parents. Imagine a kid who can talk in a continuous whine, while running around and generally just being a pain in the ass. I'm a firm proponent for leash laws for kids†.
The flight was uneventful, as was the ride to the hotel. I was really disappointed though. The room didn't have high speed internet, nor wireless, and the business center was closed so I couldn't check my email. Yes, yes, I know, I'm addicted. I spent the night reading Angels and Demons – almost done with it, it's really good!
The rest is rather uneventful. Slept ok, had a good meeting – didn't get lost on my way there which is a good bonus for me, had a straightforward flight home and now Boris wants attention cause he was traumatized to have to spend the night alone.
He's godawfully stinky too tonight, bleh.
† and kudos to you if you get the Dan Fielding Night Court reference.
The Great LiveJournal During the outage I relaxed with a book and some good music. Brought to you by geek-foo |
I'm out of flour. That means that I must venture out into the cold outdoors if I want pancaky goodness.
Yesterday, I was domestic. I did a stupid amount of laundry, finally got through the pile of dishes festering on my countertop, scared the scat out of the cat with the vacuum cleaner and did my groceries. I kinda sorta like days like this, as I can see what I get done and feel good about it, even though I despise doing dishes. Next frivolous purchase goes towards a dishwasher (stainless steel, o'course).
While I was slaving away, Boris was in full cat mode. Observe:
It's a hard life, I tells ya. I had to laugh at him so hard yesterday though. He's very fond of going to the bathroom with people. Normally, he'll use the toilet as a springboard to get on the sink to have a drink. He'll look at you and meow until you turn on the water. This time, however, things went a bit awry cause someone had left the toilet seat up, so when he jumped on the toilet, his front paws slipped off the rim and he got a bit of a dunking :D He how looks carefully before jumping.
Stephane came over last night for a chill evening mostly spent the night watching bad tv and chitchating. He'd brought a movie called High Crimes which turned out to be really good – this is surprising as we usually have completely different movie tastes. *good frenchman, pats your head*
Watched the tail end of mythbusters and after that is when the bad tv kicked in. We watched a godawful movie on the sci-fi channel called Sleeping Dogs. It's a Canadian/US/Czech production that was…bad doesn't start to say it. This goes beyond the B-movie, with bad plot, over the top acting and gratuitous T&A shots – which is basically why we stayed up watching it. Well, that and because he wanted to tape another worse movie on my VCR and my remote was dead, so I couldn't program it in. That movie, believe it or not, is called Killer Condom, and is a German movie about penis-eating condoms… And people say *I* am weird.
Today will be spent getting ready to fly to Toronto for a meeting at Mt.Sinai hospital monday morning. Going to do some background reading and stuff and stuff.
But first, PANCAKES!
… the first thing that happens when you're at work is that you burn yourself with your coffee.
You Are 30 Years Old |
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come… love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
you want to reach out and kill someone.
I've just been told off for using the “office staff” microwave by the secretary-with-the-permanent-scowl. I hate people like that, who feel the need to exclude everybody not within their little safe boundaries. I'm staff. I work in the office right next to theirs. But I'm not *office* staff, therefore I can't use their fucking microwave.
People like that really push my buttons.
I was having a nice day.
Now, I just want to go over there and pee in her teapot.
Edit: before you people think I'm a drama queen, it's also the tone in which she told me off. It wasn't a polite information that I wasn't allowed to use that facility, it was an arrogant, obnoxious “you can't use this microwave. it's for office staff only. you have to leave now, ok?!”