Katy and I went to the Light festival last night at Place des Arts. It was a bit disappointing. It looks nice, and I'll try and go back later next week, but last night was the only time I could go with my sweetie cause today is officially her last day in Montreal for the next little while. This is not a happy thought. So, anyway, back to the festival thingie. The big dome you see here:
is usually supposed to open at 6pm for a light and music show. Unfortunately, it was only opening at 9pm last night for unknown reasons. We stayed around to watch the fireworks:
but the cool lamp post seen here:
was in my way for a lot of the pictures I wanted to take, poo. I'll know better if I go back.
On our way back home, we passed through Place des Arts and, while I was trying to get this picture: Some jarheads thought it funny to start heckling me (“ouah man, s't'une crisse de belle photo ca, man”), why I don't know. I could hear them in the background, but I wasn't really paying attention. So as I'm trying to fiddle with my camera settings, some long-haired idiot starts yelling and jumps in front of me to try and scare me. I was less than impressed. The amusing thing is that the dumbass did so in front of a security guard, who was also less than impressed and let him know rather vocally. It's a shame really that you can't give bad karma more pro-actively. One thing that I found amusing is that I normally am really jumpy. I mean, stupidly so. I barely flinched when the idiot lept. Go figure. Amusing moment of the night: trying ot restrain Katy from physically hurting the guy, hee hee.
That was the end of the incident, and we made it home without further drama. Slow night in, double CSI and ER then sleep. Katy impressed me with her ability to fall asleep yet still maintain semblance of consciousness. The dialogue went something like this:
R: So what's the plan for tomorrow?
K: dunno
R: Want to meet for lunch?
K: sure sure
R: You're asleep, aren't you?
K: sure
R: Your hair is on fire.
K: good good
R: I have to go walk the ham, it needs exercise.
K: ok
That's when I kissed her goodnight and went to sleep myself. We both had a less-than-ideal night. I love Katy but I could do without the snoring. I'm sleeping with earplugs but I can still hear it. I can feel it through the pillows. Hopefully, her ENT appointment when she's back in the UK will do something about it.
trying ot restrain Katy from physically hurting the guy
he was directly in front of me and it would have put the juice bottle to good use… i had a perfect opportunity!!
I love Katy but I could do without the snoring. I'm sleeping with earplugs but I can still hear it.
i'll yell at the specialist when i see him next thursday. sowwie *pouts* my back at the momnet doesn't really promote sleeping on my side :(
I know you can't help it and I still love you.
Sorry about last night, the Nazi that is my best friend had our schedule all sorted out, and friends meeting at my place before hand.
You guys still doing sushi tonight? I can't really join you for eating, but would love to hang for a bit afterwards. Gotta say bye to the girl after all.
We're still doing sushi but we're going to head home after dinner. Katy needs to pack cause we're leaving early saturday to go to Ottawa. you could meet us at my place for some chitchat if you want.
That sounds poifect. Give me a buzz when you guys get home then, I guess.
I can give you a shout when we're getting ready to leave, which would be more efficient.
Hey, before I forget, can you check in on stinky this weekend? I haven't heard from Marc in a few days so I don't know if he's still alive to come and feed Boris.
Efficient, yes.
Of course I can check on stinky butt. It would be a pleasure.
Ah yes, sleep talking. There have been a couple of occasions when it took the hubby several moments to realize I was not awake.
*chuckle* I usually do that when I'm reading, not when I'm asleep :)