It's 10am and I haven't had my first cup of coffee yet. This is bad. Fear me.
Month: February 2005
So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye!
Just came back from the airport a while ago. The Katygirl is on her way back to the UK as I'm writing this. According to Air Canada, her flight left the gate at 23:21 and should arrive at 11:24 local UK time.
Even though it went way smoother than I expected (like she said to me, the fact that we're going to see each other in about 2 weeks helps a lot), it still gave me a lurch to see her off. Give her lots of love when you see her online. I know I will.
Off to bed now, it's going to be an early day for me to get back to Montreal.
I checked my email this morning and saw that I've been invited to an interview for a job at the EMBL. As in, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. As in, the one in England.
The fact that I've even gotten an interview offer is a Very Good Thing. They're paying for my flight and for my lodgings. I should be jumping for joy right now, and I am – on the inside. The outside, however, is wondering how the hell I'm going to be able to get time off from my current job.
I'll talk to a few people this week. I'm fairly sure my boss – who's Welsh – will understand my motives for wanting to go. Furthermore, we're less than busy at the office right now. Still, the last thing I want to do is jeopardize the job I have for one I'm applying for. Blergh.
The next step in our relationship
We're at the folks' this weekend, in preparation for Katy's flight on monday. We spent the afternoon playing board games, it was fun as I won all the games *preens and struts* :D
At one point, as we were getting ready for dinner, Katy was washing her hands and I really needed to pee, so I just walked in to the bathroom and obeyed nature's call while she was still washing her hands. Apparently, this is a big step in a relationship :P
Dinner was good, but dear lord, I can't eat another bite!!!
Phone messages
I hate leaving phone messages. I always feel like I'm babbling.
It's starting to sink in.
While I was at lunch with Katy today, it started to sink in that I won't be seeing her for a while. Considering that we've spend 2 and a half months living together in the past 5 (since last october), it's going to be hard not seeing her for a few months.
This is not making me happy.
In fact, it sucks the big sweaty ass.
Bugs Bunny and his pals are being updated for the future – way in the future.
(The Associated Press)
The Warner Brothers network will take the famed Looney Tunes characters as models for a new childrens series, “Loonatics”, that will air on Saturday mornings starting this fall. The characters descendants – Buzz Bunny and the like – will be superhero action figures for the cartoon set in the year 2772.
The networks animators have re-imagined Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and Wile E. Coyote as sleek new figures for a modern age.
“We all flipped for it,” David Janollari, president of the Kids WB, said this week. “We just said, Wow, what a great way to take the classic Looney Tunes franchise that has been huge with audiences for decades and bring it into the new millennium.”

Janollari said both boys and girls enjoyed the new action figures in test runs of the show. Their parents may be a little surprised, however.
“I think the legacy is intact,” he said. “If anything, its an homage to the legacy instead of a destruction of the legacy.”
IMHO, this sucks ass.
Some people deserve bad karma
Katy and I went to the Light festival last night at Place des Arts. It was a bit disappointing. It looks nice, and I'll try and go back later next week, but last night was the only time I could go with my sweetie cause today is officially her last day in Montreal for the next little while. This is not a happy thought. So, anyway, back to the festival thingie. The big dome you see here:
is usually supposed to open at 6pm for a light and music show. Unfortunately, it was only opening at 9pm last night for unknown reasons. We stayed around to watch the fireworks:
but the cool lamp post seen here:
was in my way for a lot of the pictures I wanted to take, poo. I'll know better if I go back.
On our way back home, we passed through Place des Arts and, while I was trying to get this picture: Some jarheads thought it funny to start heckling me (“ouah man, s't'une crisse de belle photo ca, man”), why I don't know. I could hear them in the background, but I wasn't really paying attention. So as I'm trying to fiddle with my camera settings, some long-haired idiot starts yelling and jumps in front of me to try and scare me. I was less than impressed. The amusing thing is that the dumbass did so in front of a security guard, who was also less than impressed and let him know rather vocally. It's a shame really that you can't give bad karma more pro-actively. One thing that I found amusing is that I normally am really jumpy. I mean, stupidly so. I barely flinched when the idiot lept. Go figure. Amusing moment of the night: trying ot restrain Katy from physically hurting the guy, hee hee.
That was the end of the incident, and we made it home without further drama. Slow night in, double CSI and ER then sleep. Katy impressed me with her ability to fall asleep yet still maintain semblance of consciousness. The dialogue went something like this:
R: So what's the plan for tomorrow?
K: dunno
R: Want to meet for lunch?
K: sure sure
R: You're asleep, aren't you?
K: sure
R: Your hair is on fire.
K: good good
R: I have to go walk the ham, it needs exercise.
K: ok
That's when I kissed her goodnight and went to sleep myself. We both had a less-than-ideal night. I love Katy but I could do without the snoring. I'm sleeping with earplugs but I can still hear it. I can feel it through the pillows. Hopefully, her ENT appointment when she's back in the UK will do something about it.
Iconage for your yoinking pleasure

Lunchtime rambling
I was having lunch with Katy earlier today and we started talking about opening a B&B in Montreal and styling it after a traditional English B&B, with adjoining pub – maybe calling it Ye Olde English Manor House (ok, maybe not as tacky as that). What's your first gut feeling on the idea? Do you think that a B&B that served traditional English fare with old-world service and new world amenities could work in Montreal? Is there room for another B&B in town? In any case, it was a nice way to spend my lunchtime.