First day at the office is almost done (I'll be leaving in about 15 minutes) and as first days go, it's a winner. Met the people I'm going to be working with, and they seem like a good bunch. There's a new intern that also started today, so I wasn't the only newbie to be shown around, which is always good for morale :)
We talked a lot about the project and where I'll most likely be working. Had a good high-level architectural discussion about the codebase and I'm chomping at the bit to actually get my hands elbow-deep in code. It feels weird to be actually doing something at work. Now I know this may sound weird, but my last posting at McGill wasn't going to win me any productivity awards, mostly because I was waiting for a certain big blue company to get back to me all the time. I seriously doubt that there will be any of the bureaucracy and latency in getting stuff done. Hell, I got my shiny new laptop just after lunch!
I'm going to be getting the shuttle back to the apartment soon. I had a bit of a workout this morning because I didn't really know where the pick-up point was, but now that I do, things should be a lot more sedate tomorrow morning :) The commute will be about 20 minutes by bus and a 5 minute walk home. I can live with that; it took me longer to get to McGill/Sequence.
Welcome back :)
Yay for good first days
Il ne travaille pas les lundi les britishs… en tous les cas, c'est cool que finalement tu retrouves un environnement exploitant un peu de matière grise… Il faudra que tu nous donnes ton nouveau email qu'on te garoche un peu de niaiseries du québec…
J'espère que tu aimes ton quartieret ton chez-vous. J'imagine que tu vois un peu plus ta douce… J'espère que tes meubles sont arrivés. On se réécrit! Ben
Salut Fat Benewa!
Ma douce habite chez moi pour le moment, alors tout va bien. Pas encore de meubles, mais ca devrait arriver bientot :)
glad to know the first day went well. Yééééé!!!