A coworker found it while googlestalking me :)
The beaver is a proud and noble animal
Notes from a bemused canuck
A coworker found it while googlestalking me :)
I was supposed to have a day off to go to a rock memorabilia auction at Cheffins today. This has not happened and basically set the tone of my day.
The auction has been postponed until August 16th, so I decided to go to work rather than spend a day doing nothing in particular. That's where the badness began. I spent the day chasing gremlins in code I've been working on. Now granted, bugs are a fact of life but I wasn't in the mood to chase them down. It ended up being a quick fix – I'd zigged when I should've zagged – but it took a while to chase down and ended up giving me a headache.
That's when the email conversation from hell started, which really added just that perfect touch to a rotten day. Over a series of emails of increasing hostility, I've been told that I'm cheap, rude, obnoxious and egotistical. That's always nice to hear. I promised that that conversation is over for today, which is probably for the best because I have rather a lot of anger in me right now.
On a completely different note, I love my sweetie.
Quote of the day:
I'm really my daddy's girl.
Cause I really need to pee but I have to dry these dishes first.