Last night, Katy and I watched something that should not be allowed to go on. Hell, it shouldn't even have happened. I'm talking, of course, of the launch of Pimp my Ride – UK.
Now Pimp my Ride, or PMR for short, is something that is mildly amusing if you like to watch overenthusiastic people yell “What up DOG!” and “that's going to be TIGHT, yo” while transforming ghetto cars into flashy gettho cars for other overenthusiastic people who yell “OH MY GOD!” all the time.

You'd expect the British to have a bit more decorum and style.
Apparently not.
What's even sadder though is that, well, you expect Xzibit to act like a black rapper. He is one, so that's ok. No self-respecting white man should act like a black rapper. I'm sorry, I'm a white man, I can say this, we can't pull it off and WE LOOK DUMB TRYING TO DO IT!

Case and point.
It was hilarious to watch though. Instead of Ish and Mad Mike and Big Dane and 2Shae pimping out a Cadillac Escalante on the West Coast, you had a bunch of mechanichs somewhere in Birmingham working on a Morris.
They still managed to cram a stupid amount of wattage for a sound-powered car, so that's ok I guess.
Nooooooo! Not more PMR. *cries*
That show is such poo. The whole line up is actually. Here you've got Punk'd with Asston Ketchup, then PMR. No TV for me, thanks.
They're also making Extreme Makeover UK. Katy's addicted to it.