Spending yet another weekend in Leicester. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against it†, but I just want to spend a relaxed weekend with Katy and that won't happen for another 2 weeks, and then it won't happen for another month or so. Blergh. Between her operation and my work trips, we probably won't have time to ourselves until the end of september.
Katy's gran is still in the hospital, though she's now on the upwards trail. She's going to be there for a week or two still, but hopefully things are going to sort themselves out. It's weird though. One minute, she's cracking lewd jokes, the next, she's in the middle of a coughing fit. I've been told I'm not to grow old…
And now for something completely different. Katy got a car this weekend:

Rover 414i
It's her parents' old Rover. Since the Rover plant went belly up a few weeks ago, their resale value plummeted. They were offered 300 quid for it, so they decided to give it to Katy instead. It's a bit old, but still in perfect working order. And it's free, so you can't beat the price.
Spent a large part of Saturday walking in town, while Katy and Rita were having a serious girl-talk. My plan was to go read a book I wanted to buy at Waterstones until I got called, but that went south when neither of the books I wanted were there. I ended up wandering for 2 hours, buying coffee and socks.
†Except for the fact that her bed is too small for two psople to sleep comfortably in. Hence, I'm tired and my back isn't really happy with me.