I have just been down the geekdom memory lane. It was fun. A coworker is having problems with his laptop. It's running windows 98. His PCMCIA network card won't work. Dealing with OEMSETUP.INF files, VXD drivers, hell, dealing with DOS and memory management and IRQ/DMA conflicts. Most of you won't have a clue what I'm talking about. That's ok.
Playing around with that stuff brought back memories of Michel and I spending waaaaaaaaaaay too much time putzing around on my 486DX33, trying to install windows 3.1 on floppies, tweaking arcane S-registries on my 14.4kbps USR sportster v32bis modem to get the last baud possible (hell, I think I knew those settings better than the engineers who designed the thing at one point).
Then his Norton Disk Doctor flashed up during boot, telling him that he had lost chains and lost clusters on his HD. That brought a tear to my eye. I remember fighting with QEMM, an evil! piece of software to try and get as much base RAM† so I could finally get Castle Wolfenstein to load :) *happy sigh*
† Remember Bill Gates saying that nobody would ever need more than 640kb of memory? That innocent lack of vision caused so much pain to so many gamers :)