I made piroshki this weekend. I saw a post in food_porn that made me drool and went recipe hunting. For a first time, they came out really nice!

1 large onion, finely chopped
bacon, cubed with the fat trimmed off
flank steak, minced
half a small white cabbage, finely sliced
olive oil
chili powder
mustard seeds
cumin powder
3 1/2 c. sifted flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 c. butter
2 eggs, beaten
1 c. sour cream
To make filling: heat olive oil and add mustard seed and onions. Add onions and brown slightly. Add bacon and steak and sautee until coloured. Flavour to taste with all the spices. Add cabbage and cook until tender.
To make dough: Sift together in large bowl, flour and baking powder. Cut in butter until particles like cornmeal. Stir in eggs and sour cream. Mix to form dough. Knead lightly until mixture is a smooth ball. Wrap in plastic and chill 2-4 hours.
Roll out dough to 1/8 inch thickness. Cut 5 inch rounds, rerolling and cutting to make 18 rounds. Place about 2 tablespoons of filling in center of each circle. Using pastry brush, coat edges with beaten egg. Fold dough over and shape into moons. Press edges firmly together. Place on ungreased cookie sheet and brush tops with beaten egg.
Chill 1 hour. Preheat oven to 400 degrees and bake 25-30 minutes until golden brown. Makes 18 piroshki.
I cheated with the dough, really, as I didn't have any sour cream (substituted with milk and a bit of vinegar) and I found out the hard way that I didn't have any eggs (so I added more milk and more butter, which made the dough more crumbly but still damn tasty!)
All in all though, they are NUMMAY!!!
Mmm, that looks GOOD. Now off to quel my hunger with bad library food :(
there's no other option than bad library food? you're in town no? no little cafes to temp you?
I'm so hungry :(
I thought those might catch your eye :P
Sadly no, was at the university library that is in the college wasteland on the other side of Queen's road. £1.20 for tea and a biscuit. Tomorrow I will pack a lunch :)
Wow, I can only say one thing, Katy is a very lucky lady.
bah, i like to cook, so what?
That was not sarcasm, merely an observation.
And I too like to cook, like almost everybody in our family.
I didn't see it as sarcasm. I just didn't see what the big thing was :)
butbut. i can cook. i really really can
i know you can, and you're good at it too. In fact, you're cooking your bacon chicken boobs tonight.
i am?
and with what??
umm, bacon and chicken boobs?
what carb/veg
surprise me.