After weeks of blood, sweat and tears, I have finally deployed the refactored version of PRIDE to the production servers. This probably means Sweet Fanny Adams to most of you, but this makes me happy because it means that I can finally stop writing test cases and doing pain-in-the-ass fiddly stuff with raw SQL database dumps.
Day: June 2, 2006
Good thoughts, bad thoughts
Good thought: spend an hour on the phone with Michel last night, talking about wedding stuff and his newly-bought condo stuff.
Bad thought: I'm losing contact with a lot of people back in Canada. I expected the out-of-sight, out-of-mind deal, but it's still hitting harder than I expected, at the most random times.
Good thought: we're going to have a BBQ this weekend.
Bad thought: the garden still needs a cubic assload of work.
Bad thought: my shoulder is still giving me grief
Good thought: but it's getting better.
All in all, I still feel a bit meh.