Good thought: spend an hour on the phone with Michel last night, talking about wedding stuff and his newly-bought condo stuff.
Bad thought: I'm losing contact with a lot of people back in Canada. I expected the out-of-sight, out-of-mind deal, but it's still hitting harder than I expected, at the most random times.
Good thought: we're going to have a BBQ this weekend.
Bad thought: the garden still needs a cubic assload of work.
Bad thought: my shoulder is still giving me grief
Good thought: but it's getting better.
All in all, I still feel a bit meh.
C'est normal de ne pas être en contact constan et/ou régulier avec le monde qui reste loin, mais ça ne veut pas dire qu'on ne pense pas à eux.
En passant, Annie (ta colloc) te félicite pour le mariage :)
:) as-tu des precisions a savoir si tu vas pouvoir venir?
Pas encore 100% certain, mais je te dirais oui à 90% :)
cool :)