A bunch of new pictures is now up and available online:
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Montreal, August 2006 | New pictures of Katy (among others) | New pictures of Tolstoy |
The beaver is a proud and noble animal
Notes from a bemused canuck
A bunch of new pictures is now up and available online:
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Montreal, August 2006 | New pictures of Katy (among others) | New pictures of Tolstoy |
Productive weekend. Costly, but productive. Katy was working this weekend but we still managed to get a lot done. Saturday saw us visiting a cattery that's only 5 minutes away from our place and we've found it suitable to board Tolstoy there while we're cavorting in Canada. It seems nice, smells clean and looked busy (therefore popular) while we were there. It's also only £7/day, which is cheaper than getting people to come to our place for one hour and give him some food and a bit of fuss.
Katy and I then went to town (hooyah!) to get some shopping done for makeup, disposable cameras and other stuff. We had to use up a pier discount voucher (or else we'd lose it, and we can't have that!).
It would seem that some time around 3:30 am GMT (10:30 pm EST), I became an uncle. Nat and my still as yet unnamed nephew are apparently doing fine, good good :)
On Sunday, we went to the gym after Katy's shift and I realized just how badly I'd lapsed back into crap shape. That must be seen to! After a bit of lunch, we went to B&Q to get some paint and then to Tesco to do a shop. We are now firmly entrenched in our overdrafts (until the wedding present my folks gave us clears in the bank, a nice and whopping month from now).
it has begun:
The xmas displays are starting to pop up and annoy people. Geez, it's only september and Tesco have their xmas puddings on the shelves. T'is the season to be cynical…
The stress from planning the wedding is now hitting home with a vengeance. It seems that there's a bajillion things still left to do, and not enough hands to do them. I'm sleeping poorly and burping like mad, all signs of an impending stressfest. Joy.
Where to begin.
The flight back to the UK was the most unpleasant one I've ever had. The flight itself was fine. Security was fine (although it seems that while you can bring liquids on the London-Ottawa flight, you can't do so on the Ottawa-London leg) and the flight itself was on time and turbulence free. What made it hell on earth was that there was the ubiquitous Screaming Child™ that was 2 seats to the right of me so I couldn't accidentally give her a good thumping. That kid is the poster child of bad parenting and why there should be muzzle and leash laws for children.
Imagine, if you would, a hyped up 5 year old that is running in the aisles and jumping on the seats. That's always a good start. Then imagine that she starts screaming her blond-tressed head off as soon as the airplane starts taxiing to take off and does not stop. For 5 hours straight. She finally fell asleep about an hour before landing and slept through it. Bitch.
I had earplugs and my ipod headphones crammed in my ears, and still I could hear her. Her parents were completely oblivious to it. Even the stewardesses were commenting (my favourite quote being I've never heard anybody scream for that long, normally they stop after a while).
Anyway, I made it to Heathrow without killing her, for which I am quite proud of myself. I breezed through immigration, got my bags and went to meet Katy and Mel. Fast forward a 2h drive to Leicester, lunch and a 2h drive to Cambridge and there you go. I was home and completely traveled out.
I've been spending the day catching up on my email and trying to get my website up again. I am seriously unimpressed with the tech support of my webhost. It started with having their whole server farm hacked, to then losing the backups and then finally creating two different accounts for me to use to recreate my website (I was given two distinct IPs and two sets of DNS servers to use). Joy. Anyway, the good news is that I seem to have everything back again, with only one or two LJ pictures lost to the ether. The moral of this story is to always make sure you have your own damn backup for your stuff, kiddies.