Day 2 in Montreal. Katy had her haircut, we had sushi (yay!) and then went for a 4-hour walk on Mount Royal (from Beaver Lake all the way to the tam-tam park and back to the hotel). We got glared at at Camelia Simensis by two dyed-in-the-wool french quebecers because we dated to ask the waiter if he spoke english (so I wouldn't have to do on-the-fly translation for Katy). Screw em, they were pretentious anyway. We went to dinner at Michel and Isabelle's apartment and had a really, really good shrimp and scallop pasta with a cream and curry spice sauce. I'll have to do that one again, it was yummy! I'd bought a nice Bordeaux Rose and an Alsacian Riesling which was a good compliment with the mille-feuilles and tiramisu we got from the Cafe Lyonais bakery. Good food, good wine, good friends. You can't have a better recipe for a good night than that :)