I am wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
It's been a while since I was this tipsy. Honestly I don't remember when the last time was. I'm slurring my vowels and apparently, my breath could stun a small horse. I blame the cheap wine. You will note, however, that my spelling is still up to par, so I can't be *that* bad. Why am I tipsy, you ask? Tonight was the silent auction for the village parish and they were generous with the wine in the hopes that people would bid! bid! bid!
Guess what? It worked :) Luckily, people were more drunk than us so we got off relatively cheap. We bought a dinner for two at our local pub for close to the amount that we normally pay; two bottles of nice german white wine, a nice frame for our guest bedroom and a jar of homemade marmalade. We were also embroiled in a bidding war for a Victoria sponge cake, which we had to win as a matter of principle. We did. Go us!!
The money was going to the upkeep of the local church, so it's for a decent cause. We also got to meet a lot of people from our village, which was fun.
All in all, a good night's fun.
But I am still drunk :D So, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!