You know that horrible remix I was talking about? The latino-rap version of Oye Como Va?
And it's even more horrible that I remembered it. You just know they're using a cheap little electronic keyboard they bought from Radio Shack.

I have found it.
Click to listen at your own risk :)
I fear for the current generation.
It's not that bad, actually.
I kid. It's horrible and you're a bad bad bad man for posting it!
You're alive!!!!!
I haven't heard from you in donkey's years. What have you been up to?
Heyya, drowning in work.. I still have experiments to finish for my MSc thesis :-/ My project wasn't working out so now I'm helping a postdoc on her manuscript, everyone wins and I get to be on the paper too. I've been logging into LJ though so I'm more or less up-to-date with my Flist, just haven't been in the mood of writing anything.