This is the Peanut.
If all goes according to plan, the Peanut will be with us by the end of November.
So far, things are going well (touch wood). Katy hasn’t had any morning sickness (though she does have afternoon queasiness and killer heartburn) and the only really annoying thing she has is the need to go pee every two hours.
We’re in the process of discovering just how little we know about baby stuff and just how expensive everything is. Besides being scared shitless at the prospect of becoming parents, we’re looking forward to it†.
Katy would prefer it be a girl (because she says that everybody she knows is having boys and is upsetting the population balance). I won’t comment on what sex I’d like the Peanut to be (and don’t ask me why I won’t comment because I won’t comment on that either). I’m just hoping that all the right pieces are in the right places. That’s always a good start.
We’ll keep the readership informed with pertinent details when we get them.
† Even though I’ll never publicly admit it