Lots to say about the weekend.
It starts on Friday, when I finally handed in all the course material that I was drafted to do for a course being given this week, yay! Katy had an appointment at Addenbrookes to talk with a mental health nurse about ways to avoid post-natal depression and how to deal with things while during her pregnancy. She hasn’t been sleeping well – which is apparently very common in pregnant women – and it’s making her tired and a bit grumpy. The recent weather really hasn’t been helping either. I got home at a reasonable time and chatted with Katy and her parents. They came down for the weekend. We went to the chippie for some take-out fish&chips and had a nice quiet evening.
Saturday saw us going to Ikea. IKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAA!! Le sigh. I’m an ikea-whore, I know this to be true. We bought some nursery furniture: a leksvik chest of drawers that will double as a change station, some trofast wall shelves for storage, a poang chair for those late-night feedings and, joy of joys, it would seem that the leksvik cot-bed that we’ve been lusting after is back in production after being taken out for a re-tooling to fix some sort of manufacturing issue. Of course they were all out on that day, typical, but at least it means that we can get one ordered :) We also got some funky ghost-y nightlights and a rug that’ll really tie the room together, man (*) and some assorted stuff for the kitchen. It’s impossible to go to Ikea without buying random shit from the market area :)
We got home and we had ourselves the first BBQ of the season (yeah, we’re a bit late, I know, but still, we more than made up for it with the amount of food we cooked). I’d made some sangria with cheap, sweet rose wine, fizzy lemonade, lemons, limes, oranges, pineapple, watermelon and lots of ice. It went down exceptionally well in the scorching heat we had all weekend.
We cooked chicken thighs with jalapeno relish, sausages, pork burgers with ginger, potato wedges with olive oil & chives and feta & watermelon salad that really was really refreshing and light. We ate outside, which is something that I really don’t like but must work on and discovered that our kitchen chairs are really, really uncomfortable (that’s how often we use them that we only realize this after having had them for over 3 years…)
We had a pub lunch on Sunday and spent most of the day building the Ikea stuff and unwrapping the pushchair. It’s not really a one-handed job, but it’s much simpler than I expected it to be.
It’s been stupidly hot all weekend. They said it would be close to 30 degrees and there wasn’t a touch of wind for most of the weekend, except for when it rained a bit late last evening. It’s been so hot that all the windows of the house were left wide-open for most of the weekend (and those people who know me well will understand the import of that statement). We didn’t see the cats for most of the weekend – we figure they holed up somewhere shady and slept it off. We got worried for a bit when we hadn’t seen Reenie for almost a day and a half (being that she is an attention-whore) but she wandered in for some food and some fuss, so all is good.
This week should be fairly uneventful. Bit of work – I’m giving a session on Thursday in the course I mentioned earlier. Otherwise, very routine on my part.
(*) bonus points if you get the movie reference.